Call For Paper
Important Dates
OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Logistics Award
Journal Publication
T-LOG Organization
T-LOG Network
T-LOG International Scientific Committee
Conference Host
Conference Program
Travel Guide
Technical Tour
Conference Photo
Opening Ceremony
Panel Discussion
Breakout Sessions
Network meeting and others
Closing Ceremony
Technical Tours
Refined Program and Detailed Presentation Schedule
August 26,2016
The three-day conference program of T-LOG 2016 has been refined and posted on the conference website. In addition, the tentative version of the detailed presentation schedule is also available.
Technical Tour Enrollment
August 08,2016
The on-line technical tour enrollment is open. The detailed tour information is available on the conference website. The space is limited. Please log in your T-LOG 2016 registration account (http://tlog2016.conf.tw/site/order/1082/signupen.aspx?sid=1082&lang=en) and make your selection in Step 4. The confirmation of the technical tour enrollment will be sent to your e-mail account in the conference registration system.
Technical Tour
July 23,2016
Following the tradition of the past T-LOG conferences, we have arranged two technical tours on September 9th, 2016 (Day 3). Another announcement will be made when the participants can enroll the tour through the registration account. It is fine to leave the tours earlier so as catch the departure flight at Taoyuan International Airport (TPE).
Tour 1: Hsinchu Hotels – Distribution Center of SYNNEX – Taoyuan International Airport - Hsinchu Hotels
Tour 2: Hsinchu Hotels &...
Hotel Reservation
July 02,2016
The conference hotel information, including the shuttle bus information, was just open.
Please make the hotel reservation directly with the hotels by the reservation form provided on the conference website.
Registration Page is Open
July 01,2016
The registration page was just open. We are sorry for the delay. For authors, please finish the early registration by July 31st, 2016, so the presentation (either poster or oral) will be included in the conference program.