To Commemorate His Contribution to The Logistics Field |
Dr. Yoshio Takeuchi (1923-2011)
- 1946 Graduated from the University of Tokyo and joined the Ministry of Transport
- 1973 Director-General, Ports and Harbors Bureau, the Ministry of Transport
Contributed to the development of Kashima Port
(which involved the development of a port and industrial area in tandem)
- 1976 Became the first President of OCDI (a Japanese non-profit port research
institute focused on ports in developing countries)
Contributed to the development of Map Ta Phut Industrial Port, Thailand
- 1984 Became the first President of Kansai International Airport Company
- 1993 81st President, JSCE
Ouline of Award
- Papers will be evaluated on the basis of their potential application to a practical field of logistics
- Prize money is US $1,000
- OCDI Young Researcher Award (for researchers under 40 years of age) will also be established for the same purpose
OCDI (The Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan) website:
Eligibility and Other Rules
- Any research paper related to the logistics field is eligible. A paper which is highly suggestive and/or can be applied to practical fields will be much evaluated.
- Awarding Committee (or International Scientific Committee) of each conference selects the candidate paper(s) to be awarded and submits to OCDI for approval. A presenter designated by OCDI will present the award to the winner at the conference.
- The winner will be announced in OCDI's website after the conference. Also, he/she may be requested to contribute the essence of the awarded paper to OCDI's magazine.
Contribution of Dr. Takeuchi to The Logistics Field
- In order to share Japanese experience and knowledge in the port sector and coastal area development with developing countries, he made an enormous effort to found the Overseas Coastal Area Development Institute of Japan (OCDI) in 1976 and presided as the first president for eight years.
- As president of OCDI, he headed international cooperation and exchange in port and coastal area development by providing technical assistance and making policy recommendations to developing countries in East and Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
- For example, he proposed a comprehensive regional development plan of the eastern coastal area in Thailand by referring to the success achievement at the Port of Kashima in Japan. With the assistance of a Japanese ODA grant, the regional development project in the Map Ta Phut area contributed to the rapid economic growth of Thailand in the following years.

Port of Laem Chabang, Thailan

Suez Canal, Egypt